Adelya Communications

An omnichannel CRM for communications with the right customer, at the right time, with the right message. Quickly and easily.

Enchant your customers and simplify your relationship marketing!

Free yourself from time-consuming, repetitive tasks!
With Loyalty Operator, you can quickly create campaigns adapted to any type of screen.

Envoyez des emails qualitatifs en toute simplicité à vos clients fidèles

Create attractive emails

Create professionally rendered emails without technical skills

Ciblez les clients de votre base fidélité pour des communications adaptées

Reach your audience

Segment your customer database for precise, effective targeting

Avec ADELYA Loyalty Operator, automatisez vos communications auprès de vos clients fidèles

Automate your communications

Optimize your end-to-end relationship marketing with marketing automation

Des emails construits en toute simplicité avec notre éditeur intuitif

Create professional emails with our intuitive EmailBuilder

An email in 5 minutes? Drag and drop text and image blocks, insert your content, change color and size to suit your needs. All without any technical knowledge!

Do you master HTML? Then you can enjoy total creative freedom. Import your source code or create it directly in the editor.

The editor automatically optimizes your creations in responsive to make them compatible on smartphones and tablets.

Rich SMS: enhance the mobile experience to boost conversions and loyalty

What is Rich SMS? This format integrates a short hypertext link into the SMS message, pointing to a responsive landing page (i.e. adapted for reading on a smartphone). The mobile user accesses the page by clicking on the link.

Numerous animation possibilities:

  • Slideshow / Gallery / Video
  • Instant win (scratch-off, shake-off, ice-breaker)
  • Countdown timer
  • Download (application, QR code, loyalty card, etc.)
  • Invitation, registration form
  • Satisfaction questionnaire
  • Promotional code

Adelya provides you with customizable templates to facilitate the creation of landing pages.

Rich SMS can be integrated into a marketing automation scenario. In this case, it is sent automatically at a specific event in the customer lifecycle (welcome, purchase, reward…). It can also be used to support one-off campaigns: promotions, flash sales, new products, etc.

Plus ludique et remarquable que le simple SMS : le Rich SMS !
Créez facilement des emails attractifs

Lack of time, blank page syndrome?

Our ready-to-use templates are here to inspire you, depending on the context!

  • customer behavior: welcome, birthday, reminder…
  • type of event: Christmas, Black Friday, Mother’s Day…
  • business: clothing, catering…

Target the right customers, simply

Segment your base, define your targets, save them, modify them if necessary… Then send them your campaigns!

  • On the simplified interface, you can define a target in just a few clicks: customers under 40 who spent more than €100 last month.
  • On the advanced interface, you segment your database to take full advantage of its power: customers aged 25 to 40 who made 2 purchases over €30 between January and May.

Evaluate your performance at a glance

The dispatch report provides a detailed, real-time analysis of results: deliverability, opens, clicks, reading media, unsubscribes, etc.

Filtrez et ciblez aisément vos clients fidèles
« Communication: the key to lasting, sustainable customer relationships! »

Manage your network both locally and globally

Travail autonome ou collaboratif pour animer et fidéliser la base clients

Work independently or collaboratively

From campaign creation to distribution, one person can manage all your communications, with no technical skills required! You gain in productivity. The platform also enables collaborative working: whether you're a marketer, graphic designer or copywriter, every user can make their own contribution. You gain in agility.

Maîtrisez les communications de vos filiales et franchises

Orchestrate your network with distributed marketing

Empower sales outlets by simplifying email creation. Provide them with ready-to-use communication kits:

  • Emailing templates respecting your graphic charter
  • Library of reusable and modifiable blocks
  • Database of photographs and visuals

Your communication is orchestrated locally and harmonized nationally!

ADELYA Loyalty Operator fonctionne sans limite d'utilisateurs ou d'emails

Unlimited driving!

Unlimited users: you can create as many accounts as you like, and several users can use the platform at the same time, from several terminals.
Unlimited e-mails: there are no restrictions on the number, frequency or recipients of your e-mails.

« With marketing automation, I contact the right customer, at the right time, with the right message! »

Schedule your customer lifecycle, automate your campaigns

From prospect to ambassador, script the customer lifecycle

Don’t space out your customers: adopt personalized, precisely measured communication! Solicit them at the right time, with the right message, by modeling the customer lifecycle (welcome message, birthday message, follow-up message…). Use the marketing calendar to anticipate their needs and stimulate their desires!

Optimize your performance with marketing automation

You’ll be able to react in real time to consumer behavior: you’ll keep the tempo and maintain the link at all times, with targeted messages.
Loyalty Marketing automation
Fidélisez, Communiquez... dans le respect de la RGPD


At ADELYA, protecting your data is paramount. Your customers’ data is processed in compliance with the RGPD and stored securely on our robust platform. Also, as your data partner, we support you in complying with the new regulations.

Vary your communications

Informez et divertissez vos clients fidèles avec des Newsletters

Newsletters to keep your customers informed

New products, an invitation to an event, the opening of a new sales outlet... Inform your customers of your latest news with a newsletter!

Etudiez les retours de vos clients avec les questionnaires

Surveys to optimize your services

Distribute satisfaction questionnaires to find out about your strengths and areas for improvement, and tailor your offering to your customers' expectations.

Incitez vos clients à l'achat avec les promotions et bons plans

Good deals to boost your sales

Flash and private sales, promotions and special offers... Set up one-off operations to attract consumers to the point of sale!

De multiples scénarios possibles pour automatiser une relation clients qui vous ressemble
« The right balance between customer events and the marketing calendar! »