Enchant your customers with our powerful, automated loyalty software

Cagnotte5,20 €Ma carte de fIDÉLITÉ
Get visible
30 000 Utilisateurs font confiance à ADELYA
30 Millions de consommateurs gérés via ADELYA
1,5Milliard EUR traités sur ADELYA

28 000

30 000 000
1,5Mds EUR


Managed Customers

Sales processed


Enchant your customers with our powerful, automated loyalty software


Visuel montrant plusieurs cartes de fidélité et City Pass

A tailor-made loyalty program

  • Loyalty with points, stamps or cashback? Choose or let’s study together the loyalty program that suits you best
  • Encourage existing customers to sponsor new ones
  • Generate new customers and revenue by selling gift cards

Profitable and effective promotions

3 mockups aux formats desktop, tablette et mobile, montrant des interfaces web
Mockup d'une application mobile d'un programme de fidélité

Delighted customers

ADELYA offers you a complete solution!

Mockup d'un ordinateur présentant un tableau de bord d'un CRM

For managers:
A powerful software

Manage your customer base and network
Maintain links with a dedicated, automated CRM system
Bring your customer relations to life with our animations
Segment your customer base and analyze your performance

Mockup d'une tablette d'une application de programme de fidélité utilisée en caisse par les vendeurs

For sellers:
An intuitive application

Identify easily your customers and their loyalty cards
Offer them a personalized welcome
Manage loyalty benefits in just a few clicks
View their history and preferences

Application mobile client

For customers:
Web and mobile modules

Stay in touch with customers, even when the store is closed!
Dematerialized loyalty card, store locator, customer reviews, click and collect, availability planning
Usable as is or integrated into your website or mobile application

Our Pride

Our customers' success

Your partner for the long term

Loyalty with Adelya means :

Loyalty Operator vous apporte la sérénité dans la gestion de votre fidélisation clients

A tailor-made

  • Tailor-made and multilingual
  • Single or multi-brand
  • Omnichannel throughout the customer journey
  • Software can be integrated into your systems

Votre société se concentre sur son coeur de métier, nous apportons notre expertise fidélité pour mettre en place votre programme rapidement et facilement

peace of mind

  • Quick to deploy
  • Easy to use
  • Backed by a highly experienced team

Un programme d'animation et fidélisation client doit être rentable. Avec Loyalty Operator, bénéficiez du meilleur rapport fonctionnalités/prix du marché!

A return
on investment

  • Unbeatable function/price ratio
  • Continuously evolving platform
  • Unlimited users, customers and emails sent