Get visible
Paul, a loyal customer, invites his brother Jean to join his loyalty program.
Once registered, John earns a €5 voucher, while Paul’s kitty is credited with 50 points.
Both the sponsor and the sponsoree are rewarded, and the merchant gains an additional loyal customer: it’s a win-win situation! The whole mechanism is managed by the Loyalty Operator loyalty platform: all you have to do is determine the rewards awarded.
Customers who have already been won over by your brand become your ambassadors: they are happy to recommend you to their friends and family, and their role as prescribers makes them feel valued. Their enthusiasm and credibility make it easier to recruit new members.
On the referral platform included in Loyalty Operator, you bring your referral program to life by automating the emails sent to the sponsored member and the referrer:
“Thank you for signing up Jean! Don’t delay in taking advantage of your welcome offer: a €5 voucher”.
“Paul, Jean has just signed up for our loyalty program. 50 points credited to your kitty for this new referral!”
Your customers bring you back customers who in turn invite new customers... a snowball effect guaranteed!
The more your customers sponsor, the more their kitty increases, a virtuous circle that develops a preference for your brand.
This prospecting technique costs you little but pays off in spades: you reduce your acquisition costs thanks to your already loyal customer base
You reward the sponsor and/or the sponsoree, and can set up a tiered winnings system.
In their personal space, sponsors can find all the members they have sponsored and the rewards they have earned.
Registration is omnichannel (e-mail/online form/point of sale...), and all the sponsor has to do is enter the sponsor's code!