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The loyalty expert Adelya is expanding internationally

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Temps de lecture : 2 mins
ADELYA, the French firm specializing in loyalty management systems, is setting out to conquer international markets. The company, which manages a multilingual online platform in SaaS mode, began its international expansion early in 2014 and intends to grow in EMEA. Facing growing demand from more and more customers, ADELYA is continuing to reach out beyond the borders of France. Exports already account for 15% of its revenues and the company intends to increase this share of sales to 30% between now and 2017.

 Exporting along a North-South axis

The platform has already proven itself in France and abroad, especially in the Benelux countries, where the results were very positive. Nearly 700 retailers now use the ADELYA solution, dealing with 100,000 Belgian consumers who use the platform around a white label territorial loyalty concept distributed in Dutch and French by a local distributor.

To facilitate customer service management, ADELYA chose initially to follow a North-South axis for its development. The software publisher is currently active in Ivory Coast, Senegal and expanding its presence in Morocco and Congo. It intends to export primarily in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), but in the long term it does not exclude any continent.

Its service is currently available in English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch.

Adelya – An SaaS platform readily deployable abroad

With 4,000 retailers and more than 4 million registered members, ADELYA has demonstrated the utility and effectiveness of its industry-oriented technology. The editor provides an “allin-one” platform for marketing services based on mobile and contactless technologies. The Loyalty Operator solution was developed to provide greater flexibility in managing customer relations programs for all types of commercial and tourist organizations and all kinds of loyalty programs at the point of sale.

The service’s rich functionality means it is today unrivaled in the market dedicated to smalland medium-sized businesses.

Working in SaaS mode (Software as a Service), the loyalty solution requires no physical presence in each country or physical installation in outlets. It can therefore easily be distributed around the world. The stability of the platform allows ADELYA to locate quickly abroad, notably through dealer networks.

The platform is easily customized in a few weeks and put in the hands of local distributors who will quickly master the technology and build their own local business model.

Distributors can “market” the product as they wish in their territory by defining their brand, business model and prices. The business model takes into account the actual revenues achieved by the distributor, with fees directly related to the growth of the business.

Distributors also get a supervision tool which allows them to create, manage and engage with customers directly. They provide first-level support to local customers, backed by ADELYA for second-level support.

ADELYA thus provides its international customers with a way to quickly gain traction in their markets with high added value, generating income and profitable solutions: a win-win proposition for ADELYA’s international distributors.

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