Adelya City Pass Solution

Delight your visitors and develop the marketing of your Territory with the Adelya Tourism Pass: modern, attractive, tailored to your needs

Boost the discovery of your destination with a paperless City Pass!

Le CityPass est un outil puissant pour favoriser les visites sur votre Territoire

Amaze your visitors, add value to your destination!

The Tourism Pass / City Pass is a package that allows visitors to explore your territory, enjoy its attractions and benefit from privileged or free access over a given period.

With the Adelya platform, you enhance your destination’s reputation: the Tourism Pass gives the city a modern, welcoming image. It encourages tourists to visit more… and therefore consume more. Satisfied with their stay thanks to the various services offered, visitors become ambassadors for your region!

For the tourist office: An intuitive, all-in-one tool

Comprehensive and easy to use, the platform unites local players around a common, practical Pass.

A Pass that suits you, with no limit on benefits

  • Several types of modular and configurable Passes: adapt the period of validity, the target audience (tourists, delegates, local ambassadors, etc.), the offers, etc.
  • A City Pass in your colors, physical or dematerialized
    (NFC, barcode/QR)
  • Simplified management: unlimited number of service providers and resellers, adaptation of services and privileges according to events and seasons…
  • Manual or automated visitor communications: welcome email, post-stay thank you, satisfaction survey, Territory news, etc.
Le City Pass peut être physique ou dématérialisé, pour s'adapter aux usages de vos visiteurs et à vos modes de distribution
Construisez le Pass Tourisme qui vous ressemble

A powerful solution that simplifies management

  • Real-time sales analysis: date-to-date, by type of Pass, visitor or partner
  • A count of sales and visits to facilitate clearing operations and follow the course of your visitors
  • A mobile validation application for nomadic partners
  • A global and accurate view of the stock of cards according to their location and status
  • A follow-up of the satisfaction of the visitors with the post-stay opinions

« An all-in-one solution to provide visitors with a 5-star experience! »

For visitors: a simplified stay

Digital services to improve the quality of the stay

  • Purchasing the CityPass at the Office, online or from a retailer
  • Welcome email sent automatically for a warm welcome
  • Communications and alerts to inform about news during the stay
  • Mobile guide who supports the tourist during his stay:
    • List of service providers
    • Catalog of services
    • Geolocation
    • Useful information
    • Office products online store
  • Thank you email and satisfaction questionnaire distributed at the end of the stay to monitor the quality perceived by the visitor
Des services mobiles pour faciliter et agrémenter le séjour de vos visiteurs
Souhaitez la bienvenue sur votre Territoire aux porteurs du Pass Tourisme

Before the stay

the visitor receives a welcome email. He can download his City Pass and find out about all the services and privileges.

Les visiteurs sont accompagnés dans l'usage de leur Pass avec un guide mobile

During the stay

a mobile guide accompanies the visitor for a smart digital stay!

Evaluez la satisfaction de vos visiteurs avec le questionnaire Post-Trip

After the stay

the visitor receives a satisfaction questionnaire. Its feedback is valuable for the Office, which can adapt its offer!

« With a modern and attractive City Pass, visitors become my best ambassadors! »

A pass that is easy and quick to deploy

  • Quick setup that does not require heavy installation on systems (a Pass can be set up in 4 weeks)
  • A simple Internet connection is enough to use it, on the screen of your choice (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
  • Ergonomics specially designed to facilitate daily use (sale and use of the Pass in a few clicks)
  • Easy interfaces with third-party IT systems (Citybreak, IREC, Alliance Réseaux, etc.)
Le Pass Tourisme ADELYA est aussi simple à déployer que votre Territoire à visiter !
Nous sommes à vos côtés pour déployer le Pass et en suivre les développements

A team by your side

  • A close relationship with a team at your service
  • Personalized support in the expression of your needs and objectives
  • An experienced project team guiding you through a proven methodology
  • Training to ensure self-sufficiency
  • Daily support service when the Pass is active

The ADELYA Advantages

Le City Pass se couple aux Transports

The Tourism Pass is paired with a transport card. Visitors move more freely and enjoy their stay more.

Une appli de validation pour faciliter la vie des prestataires

A mobile validation application specifically designed for mobile partners. The application recognizes the card by reading NFC, barcode / QR code or manual entry. It has an offline mode in case of network failure

ADELYA vous permet de gérer autant de City Pass que vous le souhaitez

You manage as many types of Passes as you wish. You adapt your offers according to the events and the desired audiences.