Promotions enhance the value of your products through one-off promotional offers, highlighted on your website or mobile application. Your customers discover them, reserve them online and then come and take advantage of them in-store!
Special offers can meet a number of objectives: destocking an item, promoting a product, triggering a viral effect…
By regularly publishing new offers, you encourage your customers to follow your news so they don’t miss out on your bargains. You create an addictive reflex that maintains and amplifies your store’s traffic over the long term!
Take advantage of special times of the year (back-to-school, Black Friday, etc.), and your promotions will have all the more impact. And don’t hesitate to vary the type of special offer, adapting them to every occasion:
« With promotions, I can choose my sales peaks at any time of year! »
Hot deals arouse your customers' curiosity and encourage them to visit your business. Be creative and find the offer that will win them over!
Publishing and sharing great deals increases your online visibility! They're an excellent opportunity to showcase your new products, or sell off your unsold ones.
Take advantage of a customer who has booked a good deal to introduce them to other products or services.
« With promotions, I gain a competitive edge and win over new consumers! »
With Loyalty Operator, you can create and publish your special offers in just a few clicks.
Share your special offers with automated mailings to optimize their effectiveness!
Follow up on the consultation and use of the coupons and adapt your offers according to the results!
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