Adelya Lottery

Do you want to surprise your customers with a fun promotion? Integrate a lottery into your loyalty program!

The principle of lottery

Les loteries permettent d'animer les clients fidèles et joueurs

Liven up your customer base with lotteries!

The Loyalty Operator platform lets you organize a lottery in just a few clicks, giving your loyalty program a fun dimension.

You create a draw among the members of your customer base, selected according to the criteria of your choice, then reward the winner with a prize. The winner is notified by e-mail, inviting him or her to collect the prize in-store!

Why does the lottery animate so well?

Lottery awakens gamblers

The raffle awakens the desire to play, an opportunity for you to reach customers receptive to entertainment. You diversify your program by moving from transactional to relational. More original than a traditional promotion, it sets you apart from your competitors and surprises your customers. It’s also a good strategy for waking up customers who have been inactive for some time!

The lottery goes very well with challenges, another animation that will astonish your customers, available on Loyalty Operator!

Réveillez l'instinct joueur de vos clients fidèles
Les loteries sont de bons outils de communication

Unleash your imagination and surprise your customers!

  • Launch a new product: to publicize a new product, set up a lottery with the product in question as the prize!
  • Reward your most loyal customers: once a month, organize a lottery for customers who have made more than 4 trips to the checkout.
  • Encourage feedback: would you like to conduct a customer satisfaction survey? To solicit their contribution, organize a parallel lottery reserved for those who respond to the survey.
  • Take inspiration from the highlights of the year: organize a special tombola for Christmas, Mother’s Day or back-to-school. There are plenty of ways to liven up your customer base!
« The lottery, an effective way to build customer loyalty! »

What's in it for me as a retailer?

Une loterie finement créée génère des ventes additionnelles

Additional sales

Invite draw winners to pick up their prizes in-store and offer other products

La viralité d'une loterie peut vous apporter de la visibilité


The lottery is highly viral: your customers will talk about your event to their friends and family, and on social networks.

La loterie fait vivre votre relation avec les clients porteurs d'une carte de fidélité

A lively customer relationship

Build on the highlights of the year and share each lottery with your customers to make it a success!

« With the lottery, I give my loyalty program a relational dimension!  »

The ADELYA Advantages

La loterie peut cibler des publics précis

Target whoever you want

VWould you like to run a lottery on a very specific sample? Our targeting tool allows you to segment your base with specific criteria.

Vous pouvez organiser différentes sortes de loteries

Vary the lotteries!

You can organize occasional or regular lotteries: once a month among new members or the most loyal customers, for example.

Le CRM intégré de Loyalty Operator permet de gérer la communication autour de la loterie

Spread the word!

Once the draw has been made, a personalized e-mail is sent to the winners inviting them to pick up their prize in store.