Adelya City Centers and Territories

Revitalisation of city centres and regions: rallying retailers around a common loyalty tool – of course it’s possible!

Make every citizen a committed player in local economic life

Proposez un programme de fidélité collectif pour dynamiser les centre-ville

An imperative: revitalize the region in general, and town centers in particular

Faced with competition from shopping malls and e-commerce, town centers need modern, accessible tools to encourage local consumption and better understand their customers’ buying habits. Loyalty Operator is precisely the all-in-one solution that meets these needs.


How? By communicating with your customers all year long!

An all-in-one tool that benefits both the Union Commerciale and retailers

The Loyalty Operator platform provides you with all the tools you need to make your territory more dynamic. You can apply an engaging approach to your territory, and create links with citizens.

Merchants participating in the program can recruit, build loyalty and animate their customers independently. This pooled solution also guarantees that the operations carried out by each business are tracked. It enables the managers of the association or trade union to supervise and support their member merchants.

Collective or individual loyalty? Physical or dematerialized card? Points program or kitty? We’re here to help you create the loyalty system that meets your needs and objectives.

La carte de fidélité de centre-ville profite à tous

The strength of the collective at the service of individual stores

Active, regular use is all it takes to get citizens on board and quickly generate revenue

Global animation of the territory…

Store locator

Mobile application

Multi-channel communications

Group gift cards

Raffles and challenges

…and shops autonomy

Store website

Emailing, SMS, mail

Good deals and happy hour

Click and Collect

In-store identification

« Federating retailers around a collective loyalty program… yes, it’s possible! »

And what about my customers?

Encouragez les citoyens à consommer local avec la carte de fidélité collective

You encourage them to buy local

People tend to forget that they have the right products and services close at hand, with the right advice and the right smile! The collective loyalty program brings consumers back to the city center, and makes every citizen a committed player in the local economy.

You catch them with web and mobile visibility

On the Internet, you develop the visibility of your territory and your points of sale. Consumers can find all stores and special offers on the store locator, and each store has its own page, visible on computer or smartphone.

No more lost or forgotten loyalty cards with the Wallet: a connected loyalty card holder, available on the web and on smartphones, which increases the visibility of shops offering services to consumers and creates links with insert customers.

Avec les outils Web et Mobile mis à disposition, fidélisez la population en vous adaptant à leurs usages

The ADELYA Advantages

ADELYA facilite la gestion des flux financiers liés au programme de fidélité en automatisant les calculs de contribution

Simplify your cash management with a pivot account

  • A “pivot account” to centralize and distribute cash flows among member merchants
  • Automatically-calculated compensation to facilitate fair rebalancing between merchants
  • EPA direct debit mandate generated to simplify cash flow management

Integrate parking to encourage local shopping

The loyalty card also provides services. Offer consumers one hour of parking per day! They’ll be more likely to shop in the city center than in the outlying supermarkets.

  • Connect the loyalty card to the city’s parking meters
  • Make parking easier for cardholders
Intégrez le stationnement dans votre programme de fidélité collective
Notre livre blanc : La Bataille du Commerce

Get inspired by our white paper to develop your project

Drawing on his experience in collective loyalty projects, Jean-François Novak, President and Founder of Adelya, has written the book La bataille du commerce, in which he shares his expertise. 75 tips (in all modesty) for launching, financing and running a multi-store loyalty card project in a city center.

To get your copy of the book (in French), click here!

A technically advanced platform that's easy to use!

With ADELYA, you choose an all-in-one loyalty and customer relations solution:

  • Inexpensive and easy to deploy (SaaS mode – no heavy software to install!)
  • Suitable for all types of business and organization
  • Supports mobile and contactless technologies (NFC, QR Code…)
  • Allows you to connect in a variety of ways (PC, POS, tablet or Android smartphone)
  • Paves the way for multiple animations with the same tool (loyalty card, gift card, tourism pass…)
ADELYA facilite la vie des commerçants
ADELYA vous accompagne pour assurer le succès de votre programme fidélité

ADELYA is also a proven methodology for supporting your project:

We are partners in your success! From negotiating with elected officials to monitoring operations, we guide you through the implementation of your program.

  • Validation of the business model: assistance in drawing up the business model, sales arguments for retailers, negotiation support
  • Integration of supermarkets into the business model: analysis of supermarkets present in the economic fabric, business model associated with supermarkets, follow-up of the file and operations.
  • Support in setting up the program: program definition, assistance with launch, monitoring of operations, compliance with GDPR.

« I get citizens involved, and my town center gets a boost! »

Take inspiration from our Success Stories!

3 City Pass de la French Riviera : 72h, 48h, 24h

ADELYA City-Pass: Every Tourism Office’s ally

In pursuit of their mission to breathe new life into local communities, Tourist Offices aremultiplying initiatives to encourage visitors to discover local heritage. By offering a unique package in a single card to visit multiple local points of interest, the dematerialized Tourism
Pass is a simple and effective tool for promotion, based on a win-win proposition: the tourist
saves money, while Pass partners benefit from an additional stream of visitors.
More and more territories attracted by this concept are looking for a solution that is quick to
deploy and easy to use. Buoyed by the success of tourism passes in Marseille, Nice and Toulouse, the ADELYA City-Pass was recently selected by Aix-en-Provence and for the entire Ardèche department.

En savoir plus